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Top Renewable Energy Stocks to buy in India

The renewable energy sector in India has seen a substantial upsurge in recent years. Rapid economic development, population growth, and the Indian government’s push towards clean energy have contributed significantly. With the increasing demand for solar energy, wind energy, and other green energy sources, investing in renewable energy stocks has become increasingly popular amongst stock market enthusiasts.efficient than conventional sources, and they are also less polluting.

Renewable Energy Stocks

In India, the government has been promoting the use of renewable resources for several years now and has set ambitious targets to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2030 (currently at about 20%). This means that there is a huge demand for investment in this sector from both private investors as well as institutions like banks or insurance companies.

Indian government policies promoting renewable energy sources have opened new avenues for investors. The Indian government has set a goal for capacity addition in the renewable energy sector by 2022. It aims at achieving 175 GW (gigawatts) of renewable power capacity by then, which includes solar photovoltaic, wind power, biomass-based power, and small hydroelectric projects. With such great potential in India’s renewable energy companies, investing in these stocks can be rewarding for the long term.

In this article, we will discuss some of the top renewable green energy stocks to buy in India. The chosen companies operate within various segments of the renewable energy sector, including solar energy, wind power generation, natural gas-based power plants, electric vehicles (EVs), and other green energy sources.

Tata Power

Tata Power is one of India’s largest power companies, with operations in India as well as abroad. It has a number of renewable energy projects under its belt, including wind energy and solar photovoltaic power projects. The company also has an electric vehicle charging infrastructure arm called Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited (TPREL), which operates charging stations for electric vehicles across India.

Adani Green Energy

One of the largest renewable energy companies in India i.e the Adani Green Energy has a portfolio of wind and solar energy projects. The company is involved in the production of solar glass, which is used in the manufacture of solar cells. Adani Green Energy also has a presence outside India through its subsidiary Adani Renewable Power (ARPL). ARPL operates several assets across Asia, Africa and Australia with an installed capacity of over 9 GW.

Suzlon Energy

Suzlon Energy is a leading wind energy company in India. The company has a strong presence in the Indian stock market and it develops and operates wind power projects across India.
Suzlon Energy was founded in 2001 by Tulsi Tanti, who serves as its chairman and managing director. It started off with just 20 employees but has since grown to over 10,000 people working at its various offices across the country.

Renew Power

Renew Power is one of India’s leading clean energy companies, with a portfolio of wind and solar power projects. It also develops natural gas power plants. The company recently raised $1 billion in an initial public offering (IPO) on the Bombay Stock Exchange, which it plans to use for investments in renewable energy projects across India.


NTPC is one of India’s largest power generation companies, with a strong presence in the renewable energy sector. The company has been actively investing in wind and solar power projects over the last few years, with a portfolio that spans across several states including Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Karnataka.
NTPC’s current installed capacity stands at 47 GW (including co-generation), which makes it one of India’s largest producers of electricity from coal-based thermal power plants as well as renewable sources such as wind farms and solar parks.

Benefits of Investing in Renewable Energy Stocks

Investing in renewable energy stocks is a great way for investors to diversify their portfolios and make a positive impact on the environment. Renewable energy stocks offer investors the potential for long-term returns and can help to reduce the emissions that are contributing to global climate change. Sustainable investing is a great way for investors to have a direct impact on the environment and the communities that they care about. By investing in companies that are committed to reducing their carbon footprint and creating jobs, investors can make a difference in the world while earning a good return on their investments.

Sustainable investing is the practice of investing in companies and funds that are focused on creating positive environmental and social outcomes. Sustainable investing has become increasingly popular among investors, as it allows them to have a direct impact on the environmental and social issues that they care about. For example, an investor may choose to invest in companies that are committed to reducing their carbon footprint or producing clean energy.

When investing in companies that are focused on sustainability, investors should consider the long-term impact of the investments they make. For example, an investor may choose to invest in a solar energy company that is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and creating jobs in the community. In this case, the investor would have a long-term impact on the environment and the economy of the local community. 

Sustainable investing can also be done through mutual funds, ETFs, and other investment vehicles. These funds are designed with the goal of investing in companies that are focused on creating positive social and environmental outcomes. Investors can use these funds to diversify their portfolios and reduce risk by investing in a variety of companies that are focused on sustainability.

Risks of Investing in Renewable Energy Stocks

There are a few risks that you should be aware of before investing in renewable energy stocks.

  • The first is the volatility of the stock market, which can be unpredictable at times and cause your investment to lose value quickly.
  • The second risk is regulatory uncertainty; while renewable energy has become more popular in recent years, there’s still some debate about what types of regulations will apply to these companies and how they’ll affect their business models going forward. For example, some states have mandated that utilities purchase electricity from renewable sources at certain prices (called “feed-in tariffs”), but other states haven’t yet implemented this kind of requirement–and it’s unclear whether they will do so in the future or not. If you’re considering buying shares in an REIT like TerraForm Power Inc., which invests heavily in wind farms around the world and relies heavily on those feed-in tariffs for its profits, then this could be something worth thinking about before making any decisions!
  • Finally: competition from traditional energy sources such as coal means that companies specializing only on wind turbines may struggle over time due simply because there aren’t enough customers willing right now who want clean power instead.”


India is a rapidly growing economy with an ever-increasing demand for energy. As the country aims to decrease its dependence on fossil fuels, the focus has shifted towards renewable energy sources. The Indian government has set ambitious targets for renewable energy capacity additions by establishing strong policies and financial mechanisms to incentivize green energy investments in the country. This presents a unique opportunity for investors who are eyeing the Indian stock market to gain exposure to top renewable energy stocks.

Investing in renewable energy stocks requires a basic understanding of the different types of energy sources and the various ways to invest in them. Renewable energy sources can be divided into two categories: solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources, and non-renewable energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Each type of energy source has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, and investors should consider these when making their investment decisions.

 Clean energy investing is becoming increasingly popular among savvy investors looking to make a positive impact on their bottom line and the environment. Renewable energy stocks offer investors the ability to diversify their portfolios while helping to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Investment in clean energy stocks is not only a sound financial decision, but it is also a way to support the growth of a clean energy economy.

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