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Open High Open Low (OHOL) Trading strategy: A Simple yet Effective Approach

Are you tired of trying complex trading strategies that are difficult to understand? You are in luck because today we will discuss a straightforward yet efficient strategy for trading on the stock market: the Open High Open Low (OHOL) strategy, which has a high risk-reward ratio.

You will use pivot levels and opening prices with the OHOL strategy to make well-informed trades with high-profit potential. Intraday traders who want to avoid holding stocks overnight and need a quick turnaround will benefit significantly from this strategy. By utilizing scanners to assess a store, you can recognize the reach breakout and strike cost, allowing you to cause exchanges to stay away from the exchanging day’s minimal expense.

The OHOL strategy’s ability to enter trades based on a stock’s opening price and high open low rather than its closing price is one of its most essential features. This can assist you with a better comprehension of the market’s force and make more educated exchanges.

So, give the OHOL strategy a shot if you want to improve your trading account and try a system that works. It is an excellent option for traders who wish to make profitable trades without all the complexity and confusion of other trading strategies due to its straightforward but practical approach and high risk-reward ratio.

OHOL Trading Strategy

What is the open high, open low strategy?

The OHL’s strategy was as follows: A buying signal was given when a stock’s open price and low price were the same. Then again, when the accessible cost was equivalent to the exorbitant cost, a selling signal was created. The objective was to recognize patterns and examples in the securities exchange and settle on informed exchange choices in light of those signs.

Before the market closed, all positions were balanced in this type of intraday trading. This made sure that trades didn’t change who owned the shares. But make no mistake, trading in the stock market was a game that required knowledge and skills in finance, news analysis, and risk management.

Interestingly, the original name of the OHL strategy was open dive. This name accurately reflected the risks and rewards involved in using this technique. After all, while this strategy could make you rich, it could also lead to significant losses if not executed properly.

Traders who used the OHL strategy knew that it was all about timing. The approach was to buy stocks when the open and low prices were the same and to sell stocks when the available and high prices were the same. By doing so, they could ride the waves of the market and potentially make a significant profit.

How Does Open High Low Strategy Work?

The Open High Low (OHL) strategy is a versatile approach that can work in various ranges. Traders can use this strategy to identify breakouts from a particular field when shares of a company are trading sideways for more than one trading session. In this case, a conclusive point can be viewed after the breakout.

Another way traders can use the OHL strategy is by focusing on the first trading session of the day. They can choose a stock that opens low and then decide to enter a long position after looking at the index. To receive confirmation about their long call, traders may also want to check whether the trading volume of shares is rising gradually.

The third and final range where the OHL strategy can be helpful is when shares of a company are trading in a strong demand/supply zone. The demand zone refers to the price range from where the shares recover, while the supply zone indicates the price range from where the price of a stock falls due to excess supply in the market.


The Open High Low (OHL) trading strategy has several advantages and features of open high.

The OHL procedure, first and foremost, is a straightforward and straightforward methodology that fledgling and experienced brokers can utilize. Identifying stock market trends and patterns can assist traders in making informed trading strategies.

Second, the plan has a good risk-to-reward ratio. The potential additions are higher than the possible misfortunes, which can be alluring to dealers hoping to make productive exchanges.

Thirdly, scanners can be utilized to assess stocks that meet the measures for the OHL methodology, which can save time and increment proficiency.

Fourthly, intraday traders who want to profit from market movements in the short term can benefit significantly from the strategy.

Fifthly, range breakout trades, in which a stock has been trading in a particular range for a long time and a breakout is anticipated, benefit from the OHL strategy.

Finally, by waiting for the opening price to be established before making a trade, the OHL strategy can assist traders in avoiding trading at the day’s low price.


In the stock market, intraday traders commonly employ the Open High Low (OHL) strategy.

False signals may result in losses for traders who rely solely on OHL signals.

Also, the OHL strategy has a high risk-to-reward ratio, so traders who use it need to be good at risk management to avoid losing money. Traders can suffer significant losses if they do not employ adequate risk management strategies.

Additionally, the OHL strategy only considers a stock’s open, high, and low prices, which may not reflect the stock’s overall performance. If traders only use OHL signals, they might miss out on essential things like company news or market trends that could affect the stock price.

The strategy is not suitable for longer-term investments or traders who prefer a more hands-off approach because it is primarily used by intraday traders, who buy and sell stocks on the same trading day.

Moreover, the OHL system expects merchants to utilize scanners to assess a stock’s exhibition, which can be tedious and complex. Dealers new to scanners might find it trying to use the OHL methodology successfully.

Finally, the OHL strategy only considers the stock’s open, high, and low prices, which may not provide enough information to determine the strike price and avoid a trading day’s low price.

Things to consider before opting for Open High Low(OHL)

A few things traders should consider before choosing this trading strategy :

To begin, traders ought to be familiar with the fundamental ideas and characteristics of the OHL strategy, such as how it functions, the risk-to-reward ratio, and the kinds of trades for which it is most suitable. They ought to likewise consider their involvement with exchanging and whether the system aligns with their exchanging objectives and style.

Besides, merchants ought to have an exchange plan consolidating the OHL technique. This incorporates distinguishing stocks that meet the measures for the methodology, setting stop-misfortune levels, and deciding way-out focuses.

Thirdly, dealers ought to utilize scanners to evaluate a stock that meets the measures for the OHL procedure. Traders can concentrate on the trades that produce the highest returns due to this time and efficiency boost.

Fourthly, traders should consider the size of their trading accounts because the OHL strategy works best with larger ones.

Fifthly, dealers ought to consider economic situations and what they might mean for the viability of the OHL strategy. If the market is highly volatile, for instance, the risk-to-reward ratio may be skewed, necessitating traders to modify their trading strategies accordingly.

Conclusion – Intraday traders frequently employ the Open High Low strategy to make trading strategies. Utilizing turn levels, opening cost, and high open-low strategies, brokers can assess stocks and decide their exchange record’s strike cost. While the method offers increased gamble reward proportions, it’s fundamental to consider the weaknesses and weigh them against the benefits before embracing them. Scanners can evaluate the open high and range breakout characteristics of the stock. Still, traders must avoid the low price of the trading day and take into account the closing price of the previous days to make informed decisions. With careful examination and hazard to the executives, the OHL system can be an essential expansion to any broker’s weapons store of exchanging methodologies the securities exchange.

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