Bull Market vs. Bear Market

When it comes to investing it is always important to understand the prevailing market conditions. Bull market and bear market are other terms that people use to refer to the general movement of the stock market. It is always important to determine whether the market is in a bull run or a bear run…


Basics Of The Stock Market For Beginners

Becoming a stock trader and learning how to trade stocks can be an exciting yet challenging task. Understanding the basics is essential for newbie traders to navigate the market's intricacies. The share market is a place where buyers and sellers exchange shares or equity. To facilitate the exchange publicly, a formal marketplace called stock…


What is Warren Buffet’s Rule # 1 for investing?

Buffett is one of the greatest investors in history. He owns over $100 billion of stocks and other financial assets. Specifically, Warren Buffett is famous for his long-only investment approach and values of service. He has also been equally effective in accumulating high shareholder returns every financial period. His investment strategy is based on…


What Knowledge Do I Need to Start Trading in Stock Market?

The stock market has always been a captivating realm, filled with the potential for financial growth and prosperity. It's a place where fortunes are made and lost, and where the well-informed investor can thrive. If you're looking to dip your toes into the world of stock trading, it's important to equip yourself with the…


Does Change In Oil Prices Impact Stock Markets?

In the world of economics, the interplay between oil prices and stock markets often takes center stage. As we know, India is a major importer of oil. And when it comes to the Indian context, it finds itself particularly vulnerable to even minor fluctuations in oil prices, which can ripple across various sectors of…


10 Rules on How to Become a Successful Trader

Are you intrigued by the idea of becoming a successful trader in the stock market? Trading can be a lucrative and fulfilling career if done right. However, it's not all about making buys and sells. To reach the pinnacle of trading success, you must adhere to some fundamental rules that involve risk management, strategic…